Tuesday 27 February 2007

Public release soon!

Sooner than you might think. The first public release of Loro will be available freely by the weekend (friday or saturday). To run Loro you must be running Mac OSX Tiger. I will build a universal binary so PPC and intel users can both enjoy it. Today I implemented the integrated web search (see above) I was talking about in my last post which can be accessed using the keyword 'yahoo'. I'm also still working on the Google Maps stuff but I've put it on hold for the second release. Please note that when released Loro will still be in very early development and so there is probably a host of bugs for you all to find, i'll set up some sort of project site for that.
I'll update you if I add any last minute features before it's released ;)

Monday 26 February 2007

New features

Evenin' all. I've just finished coding another couple of features into Loro and also have been doing some heavy bug fixing. Here's a list of the new features;
  • New keyword to access Google Maps. Queries are in the style of "map west street, brighton"
  • Loro now handles application files properly
  • The meta data toolbar I talked about in the last post is now well on the way to becoming a reality and has already been integrated into the preferences so users can chose to show or hide it
  • Preferences are now saved correctly regardless of where application is placed

    Now those are out the way, here's a few of my ideas to start implementing;
  • Tight integration with Google Maps. Curently Loro simply opens up a web browser and searches for the address, however I want this feature to become far more sophisticated and have the map actually show in the Loro window (mockup below)

  • Web search within Loro. Similar to the above idea except integrating Google results into the main Loro window.

    When those two are done, then I think the first public release will be out :)

    I've currently got a couple of beta testers helping me find and get rid of any bugs so hopefully by the public release it will be a very stable little app.
  • Wednesday 21 February 2007

    More On Spotlight

    Well after being disappointed with the previous spotlight implementation, I have now completely recoded this feature of Loro and it is now much faster and provides much better results. Following on from my last post, I am currently implementing the meta data pane which can be shown by pressing a hot key and shows information on a file that spotlight has indexed. Below is a mockup of how this will look.

    I think that's looking pretty nice :). I've also been fixing the favorites feature and I'm pleased to announce that it's very near completion.


    Well, I've been coding up a load of new functionality for Loro recently. I've almost finished implementing the 'favorites' feature, which keeps 10 of your favorite documents or applications close to hand on Loro's 'home' screen. I've also fixed a major bug in the file browser so thats almost rock solid now :) I'm currently working on implementing the preferences system and ui which is already looking nice :D
    My next idea for loro is to implement some sort of 'preview' for files so that information about files including meta data etc can be called up. I really want to release an alpha version of Loro soon so I can get feedback, so keep checking back for releases in the near future.

    Friday 16 February 2007

    Spotlight + Loro

    I've been working for the past few hours to integrate the Spotlight index with Loro so that you can search for files by meta data attributes such as; artist, album etc and the basic functionality is working well - Spotlight can be accessed by adding the keyword 'Search' and then the criteria as you can see in the picture. It's still a bit slow but it's a very useful feature and necessary to make Loro central as a file browser. I'm going to improve upon the default Spotlight experience by allowing powerful operators such as AND and OR to be used.

    Thursday 15 February 2007

    Presenting Loro

    Hey everyone, I've started work on a new application for OSX called Loro. Loro is a keyboard-centric file browser and launcher with a lot of eye-candy and functionality. Loro can also be used to search Google, Wikipedia, send emails and play music. Best of all, it's completely free.

    The app is very much under development at the moment and is very much inspired by the work of Neil J. Patel
    (http://njpatel.blogspot.com/index.html) and his mockups of an application he is planning to make for linux. I should make it clear that we are not working together.

    Things currently implemented;
  • Auto complete
  • File browsing (not bugfree but getting there)
  • Simple actions, typing a web address or email address
  • Lots of eye candy, translucency and show/hide effects such as genie and fade

    Hope to release an alpha version soon.